
Wayne Feeds was originally built by the Fulks family and subsequently operated by Lawson King.

Name Date Comment
Laura Farkas Miller 9/25/10 I used to buy my horse feed here at Wayne Feeds.
Danny Brodt 10/8/11 Used to be called Bryant's Mill. Tommy Offutt, Butch Rau, Robt Winfield and I used to terrorize this place as kids. Most of the mill workers saw us hide there but let us alone because they knew we saw them taking a "brew break" behind the sacks of grain and hay.
Michael Echeverria 12/24/15 I remember seeing this giant structure with lots of vines growing on it whenever my dad use to drive pass the Railroad Street and E Diamond Ave intersection to go to Washington Square Park from Olde Towne as a kid.
Kimberley Mann 4/23/19 Is this building being used for anything, or being allowed to fall to ruin? I drive past it often and it isnt clear if it’s anything other than “old”
Greg Campbell 10/31/19 Remember going there to buy big bags of dog food for our Great Danes