
Henry Brookes owned more than 1,000 acres in and around Gaithersburg. His home "Montpelier" was located near the intersection of Frederick and Montgomery Village Avenues and was built sometime in the late 1700s. This house was demolished in the 1960s to make way for the parking lot of the IBM site.

Name Date Comment
Vicki 6/3/09 I think that is looking the wrong way. I think the house was between Costco and the car dealership. The driveway was lined with trees
Mitch Gardner 5/9/10 The photo is right. I used to fish at a little pond that was below the house near 70S and Brown station Rd. The house you are remembering was Marvin Simmons and Family (1960's). It was the last holdout to development along the stretch of Frederick Ave known then as Demorytown. The house was green and white.
Shaun Curtis 5/26/10 Mitch is correct. The Simmons house was located across 355 from the Brookes house, where Costco is today.
mitch 11/4/10 Shawn we are wrong I was going on what Vicki said Laura Simmons has put up a picture of her house- senior moment... sorry
Nancy Zanner Correll 7/27/11 My earliest memory of the intersection of 355 and Brown Station Rd. is that it was very sparsely traveled, the roadway was often sticky with tar in the summer, and there was merely a single stop sign at what is now one of the busiest and most dangerous intersections in the state of MD, if not the whole country. Montgomery Village Ave. did not exist until Montgomery Village was developed in the '60s.
Fiddlewink 11/15/11 I especially love homes from the 18th century, so I don't understand how the county would have allowed a historic house of this quality and beauty to be destroyed for a parking lot! If we keep mowing down such properties we will forget where we come from. It's like a cultural lobotomy! Sigh.
Dumbfounded 9/30/15 The epitome of senseless removal of history that was so common during the 60s. A 18th century home, standing for nearly two centuries, demolished, foliage removed, trees cut down, for a bland brutalist and empty parking lot and structure. For shame.
Bill Hendry 2/8/16 I would love to have a print of this picture. My Great grandfather was Thomas Brookes
Carolyn Kausch 2/8/16 I would love a copy of this photo as Thomas Brookes was my great grandfather too. Bill Hendry is my brother.
Linda M 3/30/16 I was one of the very first employees to move from IBM Bethesda into the new IBM Gaithersburg bldg in 1970. Loved that company.